Established in March 2023 by the visionary duo, Vittal Reddy Cheruku and Shailaja Reddy Cheruku, Miraee is not just a pharmaceutical products distribution and marketing company


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Amifair – M

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Pregabsave MNT

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Amifair – M

Acts by blocking the reuptake of both serotonin & norepinephrine neurotransmitters. It may also be used for certain chronic neuropathic (Nerve) pain and for prevention of Migraine headaches.

  • Anxiety
  • Depressions
  • Migraine headaches
  • Restless & Sleep Disturbance

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Petasure-Plus can aid with migraines, headaches, intolerance to loud noise, eye, neck and head pain and lightheadedness. This medication is classified as a nutritional supplement and is used to address nutritional deficiencies

  • Nutritional deficiencies

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Pregabsave MNT

Pregaba MNT Tablet is a combination medicine used to treat neuropathic pain. It works by decreasing pain by controlling calcium channel activity of the nerve cells. It also increases the level of chemical messengers in the brain that help in regulating the mood and protect nerve fibers.

  • Treatment of Neuropathic pain